
Pit —

Andy Williams, KCBS Master Judge

We caught up with a familiar face on the barbecue judging circuit, Andy Williams, who was certified a Master Judge by the Kansas City BBQ Society in 2018. He told us how he fell into judging professional barbecue, and what he sees for the future of competitions

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Eleanor Shakespeare

We couldn’t make Pit without our wonderful group of writers, illustrators and photographers. To highlight their contribution to our magazine, this is the first in a series of features where we concentrate on them

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Products And Books

Chicken and Charcoal

The idea behind this new series of cookbook reviews is to find out if the books appeal to a home cook with average kitchen skills. I am this type of cook. I can make a banging ragu or coleslaw and I own a microplane, but I’m not going to wow anyone who comes over for dinner. That’s ok, I’m the Art Director: it’s not my job. I still love cookbooks though

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Courgette Meze

Here’s something I made off the cuff last night which turned out really well, particularly considering it began with a lonely (albeit sunshine-yellow) courgette

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Lagom, Bethnal Green

Chef Elliot Cunningham runs a pop up called Lagom, currently in residence at Mother Kelly’s in East London. We caught up with him to find out why he loves to barbecue